
作者:网络收集 时间:2020-12-07 20:00:03


楼主。。62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333231383935应该是“which"而不是“witch” 巫婆。(大家看不懂是因为你的英文“题目”里有错误。。。。不能怪人家。。。)

111 White Horse Lane
Austin, TX 78728
8 October 1994
Director of Consumer Relations
Cincinnati Microwave
One Microwave Plaza
Miami, TX 75249

Dear Director:

I am writing you concerning the purchase and subsequent return of a Waveport 5000 I made on 10 August 1994 in the amount of $225.

On 10 August 1994, I purchased a Waveport 5000 from your company in the amount of $225. This price included a two-day delivery and a 60-day money-back trial offer. The $225 was immediately charged to my Ritz card. However, this product did not perform satisfactorily, and on 15 August, I decided to return the Waveport 5000 to your company. When I spoke to one of your company's representatives by phone, I was informed that the shipping and handling charges, as well as the price of the Waveport 5000, would be credited to my account. I shipped the item by UPX and was notified 19 August of its receipt. Today, October 7, I received a statement for my Ritz card. And as of today, no credit has been applied to my account for either the Waveport 5000 or the shipping and handling charges.

If the Waveport 5000 was charged to my account immediately when I ordered it, I fail to understand why the same promptness was not used in crediting my account immediately upon receipt of the returned item. There is no real excuse for this delay other than someone not wanting to take the necessary time in crediting my account. These finance charges, as well as this letter, could have been avoided if your employees had been as prompt in crediting my account as they were in charging to it. It is not my responsibility to pay for your company's lack of promptness and I rightfully deserve a refund to any and all finance charges that may be applied during this time period.

Your company's quick detection products have greatly helped me in the past, and I would like nothing more than a quick solution for my problem so that I may be a customer of yours in the future.


John A. Somebody
Encl.: Copies of sales receipt and credit card statement








Time has relentlessly awful role, it can make the world a lot of things changed, because it was rushing rivers dry up, because it has been a desolate mountain green!62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333262363662, how I Hope I divorced, 7 years later to be able to find my long love! love where? maybe at the end of the world. Maybe the other side of the sea. Maybe, not far away from me. I live in China-liuzhou. Liuzhou is a very beautiful industrial city, it has the similar beautiful rivers in Alaska, there are also majestic Rocky Mountains and hills.. .... I grew up in this beautiful city. My family members are my parents and a younger sister, my parents very healthy, they are retired, as

cdw 公司介绍~~高分悬赏!



The game I am introducing/recommanding/talking about is called Counter-Strike
现在我要介绍(我写了3个词 都不难 最后一个最简e69da5e887aa62616964757a686964616f31333238646332单)的游戏叫做 反恐精英
It's kind of a violent shooting game and it is one of the most popular on-line game in the world
这差不多是一种暴力(不想要这个词就去掉violent)射击游戏 它是世界最流行的网络游戏之一
players from all over the world make team practice and play each other
世界各地的玩家组成队伍 开打!!
Also, it's a life-style game that the game is so real and nothing in the doesn't actully exist
还有 这个游戏非常真实 没有任何东西是现实生活中没有的
there are over 50 weapens in the game that are avilable to choose, the data of all the guns is real
有超过50种武器可供选择 所有的数据也都是真实的(data有点难 你可以换information)
the game is played by two teams--CT and T every player have 100hp and the T will try to kill all the CT or bomb/explode/destory a place
task for CT is to pretect the place or kill all the T
有两支队伍对打 CT(不知道是什么) 和T(terrorists恐怖分子) 每个人100血 T要去炸毁(前两个是炸掉 后一个是摧毁 推荐destory)一个地方 CT的任务是去保护那个地方或者杀掉所有T
the game is very cool and fun, I've been playing for years, and I love it.!!!???!!!!!
(结束语)这个游戏很酷也很好玩 我已经玩很久了 我很喜欢它!!
