
作者:网络收集 时间:2020-04-29 20:00:09









The phenomenon of human spontaneous combustion in the 17th century the first medical reports, to date, the literature is emerging, more detailed records. What then is the human body does spontaneous combustion? Human spontaneous combustion refers to a person's body does not contact with the outside world and automatically fires ignited.
December 15, 1949, the United States, New Hampshire, a 53-year-old Treece名叫科women were burnt to death at home in the. Manchester Police investigation revealed that, unlike a human body lying on the horrors of the floor of the room, but room is not the object was no damage, but have never used the fireplace, or even can not find in other places fire. The Associated Press reported that: "The woman must have like a burning fireball, but the flame did not burn any wood of her home." This fact is surprised.
St. Petersburg, Florida, in 1951 the wife was found Litse house reduced to ashes in the house is not the slightest damage. In this case, the investigators use a variety of modern scientific methods to determine the circumstances surrounding the mysterious accident. However, although the Federal Bureau of Investigation arson experts, fire officials and experts in co-operation pathological study lasted one year and still not clear about the incident.
In addition to the scene of an accident next to a chair and table, all the other furniture and no serious damage, but in the house but there is a strange phenomenon: the ceiling, curtains and more than four feet off the walls, covered with a layer of odor unpleasant fumes, in the four feet below the wall did not. Chair next to the wall of the paint was drying a bit yellow, but the Department placed a chair there is no carpet烧穿. In addition, 10 feet outside the side wall-mounted mirror the effects of heat may rupture; 12 feet outside the dressing table in the two candles have been melted, but still remain in the wick is not broken candles; at 4 feet above the walls of plastic socket has been melting, but no blown fuses, current continues to flow to the baseboard so that there was no damage to the power socket. With a melted clock electric socket connection has been shut down, just above refers to the time 4:20. When the electric clock in good condition and retaining the socket connector on the board still can continue to move around. In the vicinity of flammable items such as newspapers on a table and table cloth, curtains, are all non-destructive Enron.
Also in other parts of the world such as the human body Litse wife examples of spontaneous combustion, spontaneous combustion and a variety of forms, some people only by minor burns, while others reduced to ashes, what is even more incredible is that the victims of sleep the bed, sit in the chairs, and even the clothes worn, and sometimes there is not even burned. Even worse, though some people burned the body, but one foot, a leg or finger is still intact. In Paris, France, a hobby of woman spirits sleep in the night and died of spontaneous combustion, the entire body, only her head and fingers left over, while the rest of the ashes.
Occurred in the previous case of human spontaneous combustion, the ratio of the number of male and female victims of similar age from infants to have a 114-year-old man, many of them thin. Some of them are of spontaneous combustion in the vicinity of the fire source, and some people are driving or in places where no fire inexplicably walking the fire to spontaneous combustion.
However, so far, the modern scientific community and the medical profession are saying negative human spontaneous combustion. Although some people have put forward some theories, but has not been a reasonable argument illustrates the physiology of how the human body reduced to ashes and even spontaneous combustion, as if the body's bone marrow and organizations of all burned, and only at temperatures over 3000 degrees Fahrenheit until the high-pressure Crematorium as possible. Then, as the charred bodies of the remaining clothes have not been damaged or the integrity of some residual flesh skin more people think that some of the mysterious.
Mixed as a result of spontaneous combustion of flammable gas (or steam) and non-self-heat or sparks, no contact with the flame of the hot surface, so that temperature, as well as the speed of chemical reaction caused by the rapid growth of the fire phenomenon. The theory of spontaneous combustion in the combustion heat is divided into two types of spontaneous combustion spontaneous combustion and chain. Theory of thermal self-ignition of combustible gas mixture that the heat of chemical reaction rate of cattle into the cooling rate over the system, thereby heating the heat surplus of combustible gas mixture, so that a chemical reaction with the temperature rapidly, so that the temperature of gas mixture rapidly increased until the combustion gas mixture caused. Chain theory of spontaneous combustion so that a chemical reaction that may not necessarily be relied on to accelerate the accumulation of heat, but by chain reaction, a rapid increase in response to the activation center to continue to accelerate until the fire burning. Spontaneous combustion is a complex chemical and physical phenomena. Of the combustible gas mixture, in the event of spontaneous combustion is always required when a certain temperature.
We live in a dangerous world, surrounded by a variety of flammable, explosive things. Well, our bodies will be suddenly caught fire? This idea has existed for a long time, burn some inexplicable phenomena seem to have confirmed the occurrence of human spontaneous combustion. Human spontaneous combustion events --- this is true or fabricated? No matter, believe it or not, we will work together to test the evidence, look at the science and the supernatural phenomenon of what will spark the collision.
"Human spontaneous combustion," seems to have existed, why has not the answer to spontaneous combustion. March 26, 1986 evening, the northern part of New York State received a report of the fire, asking them to work together to investigate the fire puzzled people.乔治莫特people that call go to bed when it comes to good, one was 180 pounds, and was finally burned only half of the three pounds of bone, but the fire did not burn the house. For decades, fire researchers have been baffled. What kind of fire could devour a person does not burn his room? To see their bodies burning, and this person will try to fire. Unless, the fire was too fierce, too late to fight. This is not the only one who was the mysterious death of the fire incident. Point of view for centuries have always thought that the flames engulfed them from inside their own body. Supporters of this referred to as "human spontaneous combustion."拉里阿诺德written by "burning", which stresses that human spontaneous combustion. Those who oppose the view that human spontaneous combustion was sheer nonsense. In rare cases, there are witnesses, and after self-ignition in the combustion survived. New Year's Day in 2002, in Brussels, Belgium north阿黛儿Wardak and his family are picking from the beach after a number of shells, driving home, suddenly find themselves out of the thigh flame. Her from the waist to the knee was severely burned. Her doctor has been unable to ascertain cause of the fire. In order to find out the truth,拉里阿诺德, the world-renowned researcher and forensic fire abnormal马克贝尼奇biologists decided to investigate.
The success of the wick effect to explain why it was not even the bones are reduced to ashes, the burning of these strange cases of the 17th century Europe, some doctors think the answer is alcohol! However, if this were true, then the body should be to start burning from the inside. In the absence of oxygen in vivo, such a thing obviously will not happen. Recently, there has been a reasonable explanation for the relative, known as the wick effect. Sometimes, the most bizarre puzzle answer the most extraordinary. Scientists think that we can bring a person to wear clothes, it is envisaged for the reversal of the candle inside and outside, clothing is the wick, the body is burning fat. Even a very small flame may also penetrate the skin, ignite fat, then slowly, continuing to burn. Forensic biologist Mark with a piece of cloth and a piece of meat to demonstrate such an effect. Pig fat and human fat are very similar. If they meet the requirements, fat and cloth will be like a candle, the spread is almost nothing left. Wick effect is almost the perfect answer, it proves that there is the body's own combustion sources, as long as environmental conditions, the body can self-destruction. There is, however, doubt that the wick effect is unable to answer: do experiments with pigs often leave a lot of bone integrity, and is considered in the case of human spontaneous combustion, most of them are reduced to ashes bones. Anji Christensen anthropology graduate students to concentrate on solving the problem. Anji found that victims of human spontaneous combustion and most likely to suffer from osteoporosis in the crowd is very similar to the basic situation. And osteoporosis in the cremation of human bones more easily when burned. Theory to explain the wick of these cases, a bizarre phenomenon: Why are often intact ability to walk? Legs and the fat little legs, and it is often coated fabric was not - in other words, there is no fuel, there is no wick. Researchers believe that the wick effect is the cause of death led to乔治莫特.
阿黛儿the case leading to spontaneous combustion is the piles of shells on the sodium, the wick effect of乔治莫特might be able to explain the cause of death, but was unable to explain the experiences of Wardak阿黛儿. Her thighs burned up in front of witnesses. In Belgium,马克贝尼奇in拉里阿诺德and阿黛儿case there will be a major breakthrough. In the course of the investigation,贝尼奇closer look at the clothing and shellfish阿黛儿analysis resulted in the discovery of a clue has been overlooked, it is sodium. Sodium is not water-soluble wax metal, there will be a strong reaction with water. Sodium reacts with water, it will have a very active substances: sodium hydroxide. Reaction heat release, followed by clothing and fabrics so that the beginning of combustion.乱窜sparks everywhere, this may be the spark they see. It is very difficult to fight this fire, which is in line with the witnesses. From this point of view, this incident has nothing to do with supernatural phenomena. After what may be this: the beach, scattered with fireworks,阿黛儿pocket stained with pyrotechnic shells on the sodium residue. Later, her wet handkerchief into the same pocket, sodium has also been ignited. Arnold and贝尼奇to note阿黛儿their discoveries. Mark said: "The test results showed very clearly that the site has sodium, what a touch of sodium. If the sodium into the water, it will heat, and in some cases, this heat up enough to burn things." Larry said: "Now we can be sure that it is spontaneous combustion, there is no doubt."
"Human spontaneous combustion," mostly elderly victims, excessive weight, smoking, and living alone, a mysterious fire on the mystery, science has provided part of the answer; then乔治莫特explain what is happening? Another problem can be answered: What will this lead to a fire so deadly?贝尼奇said: "Mr. Mo Te on accident experience, there are several possible explanations." Spontaneous combustion is considered the case of the human body there is a recurring clues: smoking. That night no one knew whether he had been smoking, but believe that this may贝尼奇.贝尼奇said: "There are reports that he was smoking and then quit the; also reported that he was still smoking. We must put this situation into account. At that time, he was lying in bed. He may What ignited the accident, the most likely thing is a bed; then, he was faint choking carbon monoxide, in the whole process was never to wake up. "smoldering emitting sheets tasteless deadly gas carbon monoxide, he may have inhaled carbon monoxide as and coma. Then, fire into the skin, fat ignite him into a slow burning candle. His clothes and bed sheets like a wick, wax, he is fat. Heat of fire is not high enough, it did not burn other items in the room. The wick is a major breakthrough in the theory, which is obviously the cause is乔治莫特. Well-established fact that: no one saw a person or an animal on its own combustion, and reduced to ashes. To make matters worse: In suspected cases of human spontaneous combustion, the victims are elderly, frail people, often excessive weight, smoking and other issues, and are living alone.

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