《孤岛惊魂3》Letters of the Lost攻略指南

作者: 时间:2021-06-05 12:30:51

  Email has brought the art of letter writi...

5----7    BCC  

5.B 主旨大意题。根据...but some experts think the resulting spread of bad English does more harm than good.及Others say that despite its poor prose, email has finished what several generations of English teachers couldn’t: it has made writing fashionable again.等处我们可以归纳出:本文主要陈述了对电子信件不同的观点。
6.C细节题。根据this new?found freedom to express themselves可以看出Lancashire的观点,他认为电子信件可以使人自由地表达思想和情感,类似于口头语言。
7.C推断题。根据Email has increased the spread of careless writing habits可知,电子邮件促使了不良写作习惯的形成,故C项说法不正确。
